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You are supporting a working family(owner operated/laboring) that convey honest produce to any person at a reasonable price.  Your purchase helps us to keep doing what we doing independently. 

Thank you for supporting local !

SOME FAMILY ETHOS OF THE OWNERS Associate with others based on character and not their assets/contacts. Simplistic people that value integrity and honesty above money. Dislike hearsay or talking about things they don't know about. Avoid using vague promises/talk intended to benefit self. Minding their own business and not that of others. Think critically before following the status quo. Quality over quantity has long-term benefits. Much appreciate authentic relationships. Not interested in business partnerships. Thoughtful, realistic & open minded. Have to work on their feet. Faith: John 14:6


 Dedicated email response usually within 7 days(not daily). Phone calls not available.

Email response will only address questions/issues related to sales on this platform.

Prices exclude transport/courier service.

Prices shown on website are the latest prices, not ads etc. shown elsewhere.

Orders only processed after fund clearance.

If there is any question that is of importance or information that needs to be corrected, email us.

We rely on nature to produce our stock and can be temporary out of stock(see status on the sales page).

We invite anyone to test our produce via a reputable testing laboratory (like Intertek) and include us in the process. We will settle the account, only if they can prove it is not Raw South African Honey!

No information on this website shall be construed as providing consult or advice to you.



3rd party connections might use information from this website or its visitors.

Due to misuse of information we don't display our personal information, only on final invoices.

 We are Eastern / Western Cape based.

If any  website, social platform group or individual claim to be please report this.

info (@) is the only channel for communication.

We do not sell any contact information.

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